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2011 Retiree Appreciation Day
Joint Base Myer-Henderson Hall Community Center Fort Myer, Virginia
October 7, 2011

Military retirees lay a wreath at the Tomb of the Unknowns. From left are: Army Chief Warrant Officer 3 Bettye Mayes, George Wellman from the Armed Forces Retirement Home, Marine 1st Lt. Larry Ward and Coast Guard Capt. David Bernstein.
(Photo By Chelsea Place)
(left photo)Troopers Hill and Womack with Fort Myer Garrison Commander Colonel Carl R. Coffman,
(right photo) Fort Myer Garrison Command Sergeant Major Necati Akpinar Trooper Crawford and Colonel Coffman
(left photo)Trooper Womack with Trooper Winfree, Co-Chair of the Fort Myer Retirement Services Council
(right photo) Command Sergeant Major Akpinar and Trooper Crawford with Ms. Lavinia Ford, Fort Myer Exchange Store Manager
(right photo)Trooper Hill with former Army colleague SFC Paul Rucker (ret)
(left photo) Army Band members, (right photo) Trooper Crawford with SFC (ret) Martha Williams,
Women's Army Corps and resident of the Armed Forces Retirement Home
(left photo) CSM Winfree (ret) and Colonel Arlene Greenfield (ret) with another Army retiree
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